Well friends, my journey to my goal weight is nearing its end! I can't be more excited about it either. Here is how I got there. First, the will. Second, perseverance. I know you have had a rough day and want a cookie...but did you have one yesterday? Should you have one today then?
I did juicing and stuck with that for all of 2012. Green juice for lunch almost everyday. Great way to get veggies! Snacks at 9 am is fruit and 3 pm are carrots. Breakfast varies but usually includes oatmeal.
For dinner we have been following the Emeals.com clean eating plan for two since July of last year. Makes it so easy to grocery shop and helps cut down on sweets and snacks in the house! We just switched to the paleo eating plan for a while. Exercise! I can not say enough how this is needed. Your body will shed some weight on its own but you helping out by moving more is necessary as well! I did insanity, running, and Jillian Micheals 30 day shred. Currently I try to workout 6/7 days a week for at least 30 min. this includes weight training and workouts include a lot of variety. I just started a spin class! It was rough but I can't wait for next week. The Christmas gift I got that is experiencing the most use so far would have to be my fitbit one! I use it to track my activity as well as myfitnesspal to estimate calorie intake! Calories in vs Calories out. This may sound like a lot of work but really they are small changes in your everyday and week that will make your life so much more enjoyable!
I am currently at 152.4! I know down from 200 that sounds great! But I still want to lose those last 8ish pounds. I have started the Advocare 24 day challenge and will be updating with my progess as I go!
Keep up the good work!