Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Review of "Oh Crap Potty Training" by Jamie Glowacki

Brief Summary: "Oh Crap Potty Training" does it's best to lighten a tough and stressful topic in the life of parents with toddlers.

Long Summary: Potty training is dreaded by every toddler parent by Jamie outlines how we should rethink our approach. The book addresses potty training as learning. We are assisting our children in learning a new skill not training them as we would a dog. I advocate for changing the name to potty learning, or toilet education. What child or adult wants to be trained?

In any case, this book outlines what to do, how to do it and several problems that may come up along the way. I appreciate that a variety of situations are covered. I am considering buying this book when I get ready to educate my child on how we as a society deal with our waste.


Other Works: Forthcoming: "Oh Crap I Have a Toddler"