Look what I bought last weekend!
Hoka One One Clifton
I have decided to run the OKC Memorial Marathon on April 24, 2016. As of today the race is 194 days away. Since I haven't been running much lately I need to get started. Tonight was my first training run in my new shoes. I have to report it went great! No foot pain at all. The air was very dry in OKC today and made running hurt a bit. I will take dry air over humid air any day. :)
My stats were as follows:
Distance: 3.1
Time: 36.29
Pace: 11:45
My race plan right now is to run on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On Monday and Wednesday I will run 3 miles to start and up to 4 miles around 6 weeks or when my long runs hit 9 miles. On Saturday I plan on running my long runs. I am going to start this weekend with the Susan G Koman 5k as I already had this planned. I need to look at a calendar again but I think I can increase my long run by 1 mi each week and reach 26 miles about 3 weeks before the Marathon. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I am going to Yoga to help stretch my muscles from my runs on Mondays and Wednesdays.
I am really looking forward to accomplishing this goal.
Hope you all enjoy this journey with me!