Saturday, April 17, 2010

Flowers & Rain showers

Spring is finally here! Well at least I think it has arrived. Currently it is 45 degrees and rainy at my job. I think it might snow...again! Q will love this! 

Work is a tad irritating right now. Our well has been ongoing for three weeks. I would expect by this time to be done and on my way home or sleeping or anything but still working. We are having trouble and have had to trip (ask if don't know I will answer or google in relation to drilling) about 5 or 6 times. I have lost track. It is very annoying and now it takes all day! I am really enjoying work and started working on my own yesterday to get used to being on my own. I am doing ok but need to be more aggressive with the other contractors out here to get the information I need to keep the geologist informed of the situation. I am working on it. 
I have missed a couple of big family events this month. To my family I am sorry! I wish I could have been there with you! I missed cousin Jenn's wedding to Kyle, Joe's confirmation, and Lynn's wedding, which is today! Hope she is feeling better (she had a cold) and the weather is nice there! I hope to be home soon and visit my family. I probably will not get to see David's extended family till this summer some time or this fall. Seems like too long :( 

I hope S & J get their house soon so I will have something to work on when I get home/off. I might have to go to more training depending when I get off though. I should go so I can get paid more and move up. I would love to do this. I am looking forward to getting a few more wells under my belt as well. Hopefully they all don't last 4 weeks but if they do the year should go fast.

Bring on the Sun and flowers!

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