Friday, December 24, 2010

Last Christmas

I am ecstatic to report that tomorrow will be my last Christmas as Miss Elizabeth Mack! I am so excited to say that! David and I just celebrated the year anniversary of our engagement on Dec. 17th. The countdown has really kicked into high gear now.
I am excited to get to spend Christmas at home with my family not only as an unmarried woman for that last time but also as an Ohioan. After the new year David and I will be Texan's. While Ohio will always be home and where we grew up, I am eager to adopt Texas as my new home state.
I have a new dress to wear tomorrow which I am very excited about. I dropped about a dress size while at work the last time and can't wait to see how the dress fits. I am going to be more serious in the new year about exercising (come on Beto keep me motivated). Speaking of exercising, Jumping Jacks are really kicking my butt! I didn't realize the side pains I have been having is from the jumping jacks. They seem to be paying off because my sides hurt where I want to lose the pounds and so the jumping jacks will continue. The zumba should help with the hips as well.
I am preparing for the wedding by preparing my skin as well. I need more water and have ordered proactive. The system costs about 120/yr and we can afford that right now. I may quit in the future (after the wedding).

The next four days promise to be filled with fun and excitement as I have at least one party a day if not two. My bridal shower is on Sunday and I can't wait to see all the women that are important in my life. I will be missing a few women and wish they could make it but I know they have obligations. I will let you know if I survive the next few days!

Have a Merry Christmas

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