Thursday, September 27, 2018

Review of "Fear: Trump in the White House" by Bob Woodward

Brief Summary: "Fear: Trump in the White House" by Bob Woodward provides incite into the crazy world in the White House.

Long Summary: "Fear" gives another look into the Trump White House from an investigative reporter who is well connected. The layout of this book is slightly off putting. There is seemingly no rhyme or reason to the way the chapters are laid out. The book doesn't provide a narrative as much as give "facts" for digestion. There is a timeline that is followed but not strictly. The lack of chronological order can be confusing sometimes. The book in the end turns out to be focused on the relationship with Trump and his now former attorney.

Overall, I am glad I read the book to gain more insight into the craziness unfolding in the White House. I am definitely done with political books for the near future.

Rating: 3/5

Other Works: All the President's Men, Obama's Wars, The Final Days

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Review of "Calypso" by David Sedaris

Brief Summary: "Calypso" by David Sedaris is a collection of stories in David's classic satirical style about his family and life after the death of his sister.

Long Summary: Calypso is a very interesting collection of stories from David Sedaris around the time of his sisters death. As usual David's stories are full of dry humor. I very much enjoyed reading this book. I looked forward to getting back to the book every night.
I would recommend this book if you are looking for a little humor in your life.

Rating: 4/5

Other Works: Theft By Finding: Diaries, Me Talk Pretty One Day, Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls, and multiple other works.

Review of "The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck" by Mark Manson

Brief Summary: "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" helps remind oneself about what things in life are important and worth spending time and energy on.

Long Summary: "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" is  self-help book with a catchy title. Most of the book is common sense knowledge. We all need to be reminded once in a while to "Let it Go" as said in Frozen. While not telling you to care about nothing, this book reminds you to only care about what is important. I have been trying to take this message to heart and when telling my husband about my day recall the good parts.

The writing style is conversational. I enjoyed the personal stories and slight humor. The book did not keep my interest well though and I appreciated it was pretty short.

I would recommend this book to someone who needs a reminder about what to value in life.

Rating: 2/5

Other Works: Models: Attract Women Through Honesty

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Review of "A Higher Loyalty" by James Comey

Brief Summary: In "A Higher Loyalty" former FBI director, James Comey, gives an overview of his life in government service leading up to his firing by President Trump.

Long Sumarry: James Comey, former FBI director, has written an interesting biography of his time in politics. He recounts working with the mob at the beginning of his career and ties the situation into how the White House under Trump is run. The book was easy to listen to and I almost finished in one day I was so interested in what would come next. The Trump presidency is covered in the last few chapters so if you are only interested in this time period you may not enjoy this book. I appreciate learning more about the people in politics and how our country is run and this book deepened my knowledge.

Rating: 4/5

Monday, September 10, 2018

Review of "Hamilton: The Revolution" by Lin-Manuel Miranda & Jeremy McCarter

Brief Summary: Hamilton is a great way to learn more about the legacy of the production of the greatest musical of a generation.

Long Summary: Overall I enjoyed listening to the details about the production of the musical Hamilton. I was able to better understand the time and effort put into creating a Broadway musical. There were some surprising facts such as the first time a song from the show was debuted was at the White House for the Obama's. Honestly, there isn't much to say other than this was chronological look at the development of the musical and notes Lin-Manuel wrote in the margins. I wasn't particularly grabbed by the story, but I did want to finish to understand more fully the musical. I hope you enjoy as well.

Rating: 3/5

Other works: Gmorning, Gnight!