Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Today I finally left for Akron since my work boots arrived yesterday. I finished laundry and watched Charmed season 8 with Sara. She is almost done watching the series. I am glad she likes it as much as I do.  I left after that. I got back to Akron without much trouble. The drive in my new vehicle was nice. I unloaded most of the vehicle when I got back. Grabbed the two textbooks I had sold on Amazon and headed to the Post office to mail them out. Upon arriving home I decided to tackle my lists. I thrive off of lists. If I have a list I won't forget something because I will cross it off. If something on the list doesn't get done today, it will tom. Lists are my way of organizing my otherwise crazy life. I make lists for almost everything. I would rather be super organized than unorganized. So I started by unpacking my things, and repacking at the same time for my orientation next week. Then I decided to sort through my paperwork that I have been neglecting. Considering I have a new savings account, and new car paperwork I thought it would be a good idea to get this done ASAP. After all that was done it was time for dinner. It was darn near close to 8pm by the time I decided to look for something. I found some mashed potatoes, sauerkraut and sausage if freezer and ate that. I will go to grocery store tom. It is supposed to snow here tonight and tom. I am not really worried about that so much as the cold. I have my personal heater so I am not too worried about keeping my room warm but going out will be a challenge. After eating I looked through the homework the company wants us to do before we arrive. I read the employee manual and found out I am an at will employee which is very interesting . I can quit or they can fire me anytime with/without notice. I do not know how often this comes into play but I know someone who has worked there for a while so I am not too worried about not surviving. This will definitely be different from any other job I have had in the past but I am going to embrace it for what it is. I am up for the challenge this work will present. I know it will be hard but I think it will make me stronger as a person and give me time to figure myself out. I am sure there may be plenty of long blogs coming up. I am nervous about next week because I may be the only female in my training class but I am a Honors college graduate, I am sure I can handle what they throw at me. Hell I am thinking of reviewing a course book before next week because I will need it. Not to mention reading about the geology of the Appalachian area in which I will be working. Well I have turned my organizational post into one about my job. That is where my mind is right now though. Somehow it still feels unreal. I am sure I will feel better when I arrive at the hotel on Sun. afternoon and then the job on Mon. morning.