Well I am ill and I am not happy about it. This weekend I was supposed to run 18 miles. Well Saturday I wasn't feeling too great. I was slightly short of breath and had a cough. I should have run then because the weather was beautiful, sunny, warm and low wind. I had an appointment in the morning so I didn't get out until after lunch. When I arrived at the lake I just wasn't in the mood. If felt like the whole world was out running. I was tired and felt like I needed a nap. I decided to get some sleep and see how I felt. I was pretty determined to get up and get running in the morning.
On Sunday morning I woke pretty early, had a quick breakfast sandwich and was off. I got to the lake and started running. I chose to go against the wind. I was still coughing but thought I would loosen up with time. I did decent min/mile for the first few miles. The third mile really hit me hard so to speak. I was running part of the mile against the wind, felt like I had to use the facility although I had just tried, and was fatiguing fast. I was getting so warm I thought I had a fever. I decided to go home and try to walk/run the last 13 miles on the treadmill.
I managed to get back to my car while keeping my pace as close to 13 min/mile as possible. I was so relieved I made it back to my car without passing out. I had taken my rescue inhaler with me to be safe but didn't need to use it. I believe there is something in bloom right now that I am severely allergic too. The wind has been from the south quit a bit lately and I think we are getting wind blown pollen for TX. I think the combination of running with deep breathing, allergies, and tiredness contributed to my illness.
Luckily I had an appointment with my allergy doctor scheduled yesterday. I had taken some Mucinex maximum strength on Sunday night and used my inhaler several times to help have more productive coughs. I took cough syrup before bed, but I was still awake quite a bit. I spent Monday morning feeling like I wanted to go back to bed. At the appointment I was given and x-ray to check for pneumonia. I am luckily and appear to be in the clear there. The doctor sent the scan to radiology to be sure. I was given a Z-pak, Prednisone and told to continue the Mucinex, take a cough suppressant to sleep. The kicker is I was told not to run. I told her I am trying to train for a marathon but no such luck. I was told to let my lungs heal before I try getting back out there.
All this to say I am in a quandary. I am probably out for a solid week of training if I am luck. The best I can hope for at this point is to get my long run in on Sunday on the treadmill. I don't plan on running outside anytime in the near future. My treadmill and I will be seeing a lot more of each other. I am not happy about this but it is one of the only ways I can ensure I won't get as many allergens in my lungs. I have a 20 miler in two weeks. I am not terribly concerned about running this race. I should have been ramping down so to speak for that race anyways. I have run 17 miles and I am sure with the proper motivation, such as a finish line. I will be able to finish the race. My next concern in the marathon. The training program I am on specifically states that missed workouts can't be made up and that if injured or ill you should train for another marathon. Ugh!!!! Do I just play it cool by running inside when I am ready, run my 20 mile race and then see how I feel?
I am seriously considering switching to the half. One I know I can complete it and will have a 20 miler under my belt. Two I am much more comfortable at a half. Another part of me says if you can finish 20 you can finish 26. ahhhh.. Well at least I have until the Expo to decide. I will see how the 20 miler goes and see if I can continue my training. I will make the decision at the expo whether to switch races or not.
Here is hoping I feel better in a week.