I am what you would call an early rise on Sat. mornings. I decided since I am up I might as well use the time to exercise. I decided to ride to the lake this morning on the road, gasp. Now don't fret, I was really on a busy road for 0.5 mile maybe with 3 cars in what I would call my space. Anyways, I was almost to the lake and was heading up a hill. I decided to downshift and chain fell right off and got wedged in.
Chain gone wrong |
Now I have had this happen before. Put the chain back on and good to go. No, not this time. The chain was wedged in really good. I had to call husband for a pick up.
Letting me down again |
I decided to take the bike in to the shop and let them repair it so this hopefully doesn't happen again. Maybe I will have better luck next weekend. I came home and lifted. Now we are off to the Made in Oklahoma Festival. I will let you know all about it next time.
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