On Tuesday night I had a speed workout scheduled. I decided to run during the day as I had a busy evening planned. I took a long lunch and ran my 7x800 m speed work with 400m rest periods. I was only supposed to run at 11:15 pace. I decided to push it and ran at the fastest 9:55 pace. I was pretty happy with the run as it was windy and I kept going during my running intervals. I have to say I did walk during my quarter of a mile recovery periods but tried to pick up the pace when I approached the running interval again. I need to incorporate hill work again. I think I will start doing this on my tempo runs.
My next run is a tempo run scheduled for tom. but I don't think I will be completing it. The run is supposed to be 8 miles and I will have to do this before or after work. Since the run is going to be longer, about 1.45 hours, I need to think about when it will get dark etc. Also I have been dealing with the possibility of being laid off and should know by tomorrow. This could mean I can run on Friday whenever I want. The stress of the situation has been really bothering me but I have been trying to not let it affect my running. I hope to be back to my normal routine on Monday if I get good news tomorrow. I can then focus more on my running. I don't want to think about what I will do if I am not back to my normal routine. I will deal with that bridge when I get to it. As my blog says, Life is a box of chocolates, You never know which one you will get, but it is what you do with what you get that makes all the difference.
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